Friday, December 29, 2006

Oo-err, its been a while....

So, hello again and, with some delay, merry happy Christmahannukwanzakah to all of you! Yes, I'm terribly, teary-eyedly sorry for the extended silence gone between this and the post before it, but, as always, I was busy. Yes, I know, yada yada yada and stop being self-important. But its true! Anyway, here I am again (boiiing) and there's stuff to tell you about, too.
(This pic was taken by my friend Joe Knorpp, who holds the rights to it)
So, let's start with something akin to the "Cover Combo Caveat" mini-series we did a while ago. Lovely, furry, cuddly friend Ralf (okay, sorry, so I couldn't think of suitable adjectives. He's a nice guy - hope you got that impression at least) sent me a youtube link, the content of which I cannot resist posting here for y'alls enjoyment. It features an occurance that I had, in fact, heard stories about before and that kind of sums up the kind of personality/style/taste (or complete lack of it) it takes if you want to hack it with the wedding band crowd. I trust Siggi (the guy in the vid) has recovered fully from his, err, "error of judgment" and is wooing crowds at an anniversary/a birthday party/a stag do somewhere near you as we speak. Rock on, dude! Enjoy, y'all... Yes, so what else? Oh yes, I wanted to tell you about the gig I got to play with my good friends Billy and Hannah on Boxing Day at this little festival back in my home town. I'm awaiting a Skype-load of pictures from the gig as I write and will drop one or two in as soon as they arrive. Anyway, it was a lot of fun and very rewarding. The whole project (the three of us playing under the moniker of "Lawrence Goodman Scheck") was intended as a one-off originally. However, we've had so much positive feedback and enjoyed working together so much that we're seriously considering a continuation, maybe even an album. To that end, obviously, the first thing you need is a website (forget musical talent, creativity, etc. Webspace rules!). If anyone wants to throw some hints my way concerning webhosting/renting webspace, please don't hesitate to do so. eddyquette(at)'s the word...

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Thursday, December 14, 2006

Fobbing you off, possums...

'Elloello! Normally, you would be expecting a post from me, wouldn't you? After all, it's Thursday and usually, by about Thursday, I manage to get some sort of rant done and publish it for your entertainment/annoyance. But not today, mwuahahaha... I'm in a heckofa hurry (again) this week and don't know where to find the time to post. Itz not for lack of wanting, trust me - there'd be loads to tell you about, starting with the beautiful sunrise right outside my window here this morning and continuing with a series of posters I'm trying to photograph on my way to uni which I find quite clever (the posters, not my efforts at snapping). I would then like to continue by telling you how several American secret services and MI5 contacted me over the last few days in an attempt to get me to work for them due to my flawless language abilities and slick accents. (This last claim, obviously, would be bogus, but then even if it were true I couldn't tell you, else I'd have to kill you afterwards. And how would I be doing that over the internets, huh?) My continued blogpost-I-wish-I-were-writing would continue to amuse you with accounts of the great party I'm going to attend at the weekend (my friend Joe is back from Morocco) and end on a quote which, while rather rude, I find absolutely brilliant in terms of creative use of the English language. The quote is from an unlikely source, namely Top Gear magazine (not otherwise known for it's verbosity or eloquence). The teaser headline for an article describing the launch of a new model by Lotus (car maker based in Hethel, Norfolk, England), a company perennially semi-bankrupt and always on the brink of disaster, read "Norfolking hope". I have no clue as to whether this is an original idea or a quote, but dare say I found the use of language quite inspired.... Okay, I'll try to do a post proper soon, cheerio meanwhile!

Thursday, December 07, 2006


Notimenotimenotimenotime! Aaagh! It's that time of the year again, isn't it, readers mine? The time when you're s'posed to be jolly and rosy-cheeked and lovin' it whereas in reality you're puffing and panting and almost losin' it. At least, if you're me, you are. I really don't know WHAT people here in Germany mean when they wish you "besinnliche Adventstage" (trying to translate besinnlich - something like "calming and insightful"). I for one am flat-out almost day and night at the moment trying to keep up with university, my marriage, household chores, social obligations and trying to bash preparations for some seasonal giggery into shape. Billy, Hannah and I play at this small festival on Boxing Day. Should be a lot of fun, but it does take preparation, especially as we manage ourselves and therefore have to do tons of negotiating and e-mailing back-and-forth with the event organisers.
(NOT Father Christmas, yesterday)
So, I'm not complaining about the way things are as such, I'm just wondering why people would think of this as "the best time of the year" and all that. Ho ho ho indeed. Well, and with that, I must up and catch my train to university, then go cram and do some gift shopping, then meet up with friends tonight at the Christmas market... Cheerio, possums!