Saturday, April 21, 2007


Heya! I know, I know - haven't exactly been regular in my posting, even during the semester break, which has now been over for a week. And, guess what - I don't see how this is going to change much. Yes, there's plenty of stuff I've come across recently that seems blogworthy to me, but surprise, surprise, I can't seem to find the time and commitment to get it up here in writing. So, for now, I fear I shall be continuing the way I have recently - i.e. blogging whenever I can find time to get something written. Yes, I DO realise that this is exactly how you successfully kill off any attempts at building a regular body of readers. But then, as those of you who may have been checking in regularly will long have found, it's the way things have been for months already, so why make a fuss and pretend I'm going to change? I'm not, not unless for some reason I shall find myself housebound for any longer period of time. And as that's not on the cards for now, here's the plan: I WILL blog. But I will only do so when I honestly feel I'm not compromising my chances of success in my studies and jeopardising the balance of my marriage relationship. I sincerely hope that some of you at least will come back and check on me from time to time. For the rest, well, I hope you were able to glean some sort of enjoyment from my scribblings. Feel free to watch this space, and, as the Terminator said, "I'll be back!" Cheerio
