Friday, November 02, 2007

Long time no blog

Hiya! Gosh, how I'd love to be writing this to say "hello and welcome back y'all - I'm gonna be a-bloggin' agin!" That, however, shall remain a dream for now - at least until I finally pass that Greek exam. God willing (never a more appropriate phrase) this will be sometime in spring next year. Gah! What a horribly long wait. Well, let me at least use this briefest of opportunities (if "opportunity" is the right word to describe the cumulative after-effects of a bank holiday spent entirely on the couch watching DVDs and missing my wife. It's about three in the morning right now and I really, REALLY shouldn't be doing this) to do a tiny little "egg roll", err blogroll (thanks, enidd, for the loan of your term). One writer/blogger in particular I would love to draw your attention to as I think her skills are truly extraordinary: check out my friend Trudy's blogs - this one at blogger, that one at Shoutlife and the other one detailing some of her daily life as a missionary in Hungary. We (C&I) have been privileged to be personal friends with Trudy and her family and C is in fact currently visiting them as I write these lines. Lucky her! Anyway, I'm afraid that'll have to be all for now. Sorry to everyone whose blogs I haven't managed to keep up with recently - I do try to at least read, if not comment, but even that's become a rare thing these days. So, sorry and I hope to be back soon. Cheerio and God bless!
