Thursday, December 07, 2006


Notimenotimenotimenotime! Aaagh! It's that time of the year again, isn't it, readers mine? The time when you're s'posed to be jolly and rosy-cheeked and lovin' it whereas in reality you're puffing and panting and almost losin' it. At least, if you're me, you are. I really don't know WHAT people here in Germany mean when they wish you "besinnliche Adventstage" (trying to translate besinnlich - something like "calming and insightful"). I for one am flat-out almost day and night at the moment trying to keep up with university, my marriage, household chores, social obligations and trying to bash preparations for some seasonal giggery into shape. Billy, Hannah and I play at this small festival on Boxing Day. Should be a lot of fun, but it does take preparation, especially as we manage ourselves and therefore have to do tons of negotiating and e-mailing back-and-forth with the event organisers.
(NOT Father Christmas, yesterday)
So, I'm not complaining about the way things are as such, I'm just wondering why people would think of this as "the best time of the year" and all that. Ho ho ho indeed. Well, and with that, I must up and catch my train to university, then go cram and do some gift shopping, then meet up with friends tonight at the Christmas market... Cheerio, possums!


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