Friday, November 10, 2006

so put your hands in the air

Soooo. It's Friday night and I'm wasted. No, not from substance abuse or anything - from a long weeks' studying. Yes, I know that's kind of boring. Yes, I know you're all thinking "what the heck is he doing blogging on a Friday night when everyone else is out partying?" (Okay, so maybe you weren't thinking that, but that would make me feel even worse about my situation, so I'm not going there right now) Well - A) C's out at an impossibly boring social that I simply could not bring myself to join her for. Suits and the German idea of small talk ("so! You are a student, ja? Why? Why not have a proper job? You are old enough, no?") are a combo that somehow lacked appeal, especially on a night like tonight when I'm feeling cranky and worn-out already. Plus, I don't drink beer, so would have stuck out like a saure bratwurst at a veggie party (eugh! That one was so half-hearted, even I didn't laugh). Okay and B) is that we're going out tomorrow night with friends and that'll be so much fun it'll make up for tonight, easy. Well, I certainly hope so at least...
(More juicy goodness from the forests of Ebersbach, y'all)
Isn't it funny how sometimes there's tons of stuff you've wanted to blog about all week, but when the time has come to do so, your motivation suddenly goes into freefall? I mean, I haven't even finished telling Parlancheq about Extreme Wheelbarrowing (it's like freestyle BMX riding, only with wheelbarrows. Quite boring unless you're a professional wheelbarrow pusher), let alone talked all about the glorious, hulking big, wheezing Hammond organ that now finally sits in my living room. And then there were some observations I wanted to share from my daily commute (undertaken as yet in the speed and luxury of our car) about cars, drivers, road behaviour, etc. Or I could tell you about the accident I witnessed yesterday and what I did to help. Finally, there have been a series of incidents that have caused me to think about globalisation and our reaction to it (including a post by Web Gamin that I found thought-inspiring if highly controversial). All this and more, and yet what am I doing? You guessed it - zip, nada, none of it. I'm sorry, people - I promise to try harder tomorrow or whenever I can muster the energy. Right now, here's signing off and wishing you all good weekends. Ta da!


Blogger tobi woerner said...

hey eddyquette!
auch ich grüße dich in der blogosphäre. hoffe, ihr habt euch gut eingelebt in der neuen "heimat" - würde mich freuen dich mal wieder zu sehn - vielleicht mal ein besuch im jesustreff? mit ner predigt von dir? ;-)
so long, gruß und groove, tobi

4:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well everyone knows that blogging is much more fun than partying. :)

11:29 PM  
Blogger eddyquette said...

Thanks, parlancheq, for making me feel (slightly) better about myself ;-)

8:03 PM  
Blogger eddyquette said...

Tobi! Schön, von Dir zu hören. Den Treff hatte ich schon fest im Visier (auch wenn wir momentan noch versuchen, der Ortsgemeinde näherzukommen). Ans Predigen hatte ich nicht unbedingt gedacht (so ungefragt), aber falls das Dein Ernst war - klar, gerne mal wenn's reinpasst. (Wenn der richtige Prediger ausgefallen ist oder so...)

8:05 PM  

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