Happy happy joy joy
It's groan o' clock PM and I'm hunched over my increasingly worn-out laptop pretending to be hard at work while whittling away at this here message to you, the waiting world. Apparently. I mean, apparently you're out there and you actually read what I splurge. Says my wonderful friend a.ndy, whose encouragement and general niceness not only pushed me into this whole blogging kerbungle in the first place. No, besides that he said some VERY nice things to me this afternoon (nothing regarding my looks, appearance or the like, I hasten to add) when MSNing, which is why I'm going to continue blogging despite all the doubts I've been harbouring recently. Fawn, fawn, preen. It IS nice having your back rubbed from time to time! Ahhhh.... So here, suckers - read this! Hah!
(yes, that's me there on the right, making people do what I tell'em - I mean, getting my stage ready for the Himmelfahrtsfestival. Pic courtesy of http://www.teifel.net)