Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Horses Mouths

Today must be my funny day - just stumbled over this while checking my feeder... "Tastes like chicken" was the caption. Look up the whole blog while you're at it... Cheerio

If music be the food of love...

This is AWESOME! My good friend Ralf just sent me this link to one of the funniest animations my weary musician's eyes have seen in a loooong time - the guitar shred show! What a laugh - I wish there was more stuff like that out there... Enjoy!

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Humdrum Conundrum

Mah guddness, my blog looks soo boring at the moment! Been ogling up other people's spaces and, hey, I've got some work to do if I wanna keep up with them Joneses (no offence meant, Andy). Then again, I am still a rookie blogger and can't quite keep up with busblogs and the like yet. Watch this space, though... (or, then again, maybe not) So, what's new? My week's been going well so far - I really ought to be cramming for an exam right now, but hey, where's the fun in that? Just back from a housegroup meeting which was fun. We have this new guy, Thomas from Hongkong. He's cool - I love his accent as much as his personality and wisdom. What else? My personal guru and counsellor supreme in all things internet a.ndy helped me out with RSS feeder knowledge (and an invitation to Googlemail - ta indeed!) yesterday evening. 'Ee's a star, the man. Now, if 'ee knew what I went and bought the other day for 'im... Tee hee. Urrm. Yep. That'll be all for now, methinks. Cheers!

Monday, November 28, 2005

This is to pacify my North Dakotan buddy Brian, who gets agitated when I don't prove to him regularly that the fabulous "Turd Bird" (made from real do's, allegedly) still lives proudly on our Ersatz mantelpiece.

Cheap thrills

Monday, Monday, Monday! One of last weekend's high points definitely was the acquisition of a cheap little digital camera. My better half being the photo whizz she is, I knew I'd get beat up for buying anything half-decent like an Ixus. Wifey has her heart set on an EOS 20D but I need something small and inexpensive to lug around with me, to be able to create "Fotoprotokolle" from seminars I teach, etc. Nosing through METRO on Saturday (they were running special offers on Scottish single malt whiskey, one of my passions), I stumbled upon this here: Mine's a RANEX rx 8500. The resolution, etc. are laughable, as is the fact that it will store, play and even record MP3s in addition to taking snapshots. Then again, it only set me back 40 €, so I'm not complaining. Now all I need is a decent SD card and we'll be rolling! More soon...

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Weekend wonkiness

Darn! Regular posting is still something I struggle with. Getting a digital camera today, though (yay!), so at least I should be able to improve the quality of my posts with some current footage. Meanwhile, this pic of a friend's "mobile home" reminded me of some of the fun I had this summer doing stage management at a couple of festivals. Okay, have a nice weekend, see y'alls

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Being a stoodent (again)

My life really is a bit like Forrest Gump's box of chocolates at the moment. Here I am at 9:30 AM, gearing up for another day at university. Tomorrow, I'll be back to work, coaching management types at a large German software company. Feels a bit like having split personalities... No, seriously, I'm beginning to see just how much all that management talk about wearing different "hats", i.e. roles or personalities in different situations is true. It is weird being one in a million, just-another-student-type one day and Mr-suit-and-tie the next. But, hey, I chose it this way and I'm not complaining. Couldn't face just jumping off the corporate bandwagon completely to pursue a second education, so I decided to go for a compromise, albeit a temporary one. Left myself one year's time to get straight about what I really want to do. After that, it'll be either full-time studies, a degree in theology and a career as a pastor (yes, really), or back to management training. Unless, of course, I manage to record my first hit album in that year... one can always dream, right?

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Mah guddness

Well, folks, seems I need to work on my posting discipline. Ah well, yer can't get everything right first time, eh? Or something lame like that... Just back from reading Tony Pierce's unbelievable mother-of-all blogs. And trying to figure out really basic stuff like, how to get his name into this post as a link, rather than just naffly typing in "http://" for all of you to see my lack of html skills. I mean, what do you expect? I'm about as un-IT-savvy as a man could be - give me bike/washing machine/blocked-up drain and I'm fine, but haitch-tee-em-ell? Well, ah dunno... See ya


Thursday, November 17, 2005

Me, trying hard to be a rapper with Finn pop group Lenin's Godson (yes, really!)

Funny picture

So, just to share what my musician buddy Simon (from luvvly Loughborough) sent me the other day. The header was "African I-Pod". Si is, I believe, somehow involved in missionary work as well as being a fab singer/songwriter... cheers

Monday, November 14, 2005


Ah yes. So, shameless copycat that I am, here's my first rant on Following the trend set by the iconic a.ndy (blogger supreme and mate of mine), this is "the new" eddyquette blog. I'm racking my brains for something witty and profound to fill these, my first lines, with. Err... Bummer. Oh well, hopefully not too many people will be reading these hapless lines anyway. More soon! Cheers