Sunday, March 11, 2007

Re: Ten Things I like Meme

hello Readers, I'm beckstar, a friend of eddyquette's and this is a response to being tagged with the meme. So I'm suppose to tell of ten things I like that start with the letter "m". Honestly, I had to do some soul searching to find the jewels I'm about to share with you because the first words that came to mind were things like: mosquitoes, mud, monsters, malaria, measles, meningitis... I never realized how many diseases started with "m". Anyway, this is suppose to be things I like, so here we go:
  1. Music. This one was the most obvious to me and besides the aforementioned diseases was the initial one that came to mind. I love how no matter what you're feeling, you can always find some music that fits the occasion, feeling, and mood. Music is so powerful too, it can lift you up or bring you down, it can make you calm or make you excited... you get the point.
  2. Messy. Explanation: My sister's name is Jessie and when we were young we always had to shared a room. My side of the room was always neat and clean, whereas my sister side was always chaotic and disorganized. My family always teased her saying they named her Jessie so they could call her messy. So I've been calling her Messy since then (though I have exclusive rights to it now--she doesn't allow anyone else to call her that). My sister and I are only 18 months apart and have always had a very close and special relationship.
  3. Mercy. I sure have received a lot of it in my life and though it sounds cliche I have to say it sure makes the world a better place.
  4. My friends and family. Okay, so that's a bit of a cheat. But it isn't any worse than "de ocean" (see below in eddyquette's post, bullet point number 9 !!!) =). What would life be without relationships? I'm guessing pretty dull and empty. I have been amazingly blessed by the friendships I have and I'm pretty much of the opinion that friendships are what bring so much flavor and joy to life.
  5. Margaritas. The other thing that brings flavor and joy to life. Okay, not really, but I do enjoy a drink with friends.
  6. Martial Arts. I started doing Tang Soo Do, a Korean martial art, when I was 11. I've had so much fun over the years practicing this form and being apart of this tradition. And I've met some great people along the way, especially my instructor who has had such a big impact on my life in many ways. Oh, and I'm testing for my 2nd degree black belt on the 17th. Scary!! So if there are any praying people out there, please send a few up for me!
  7. Merriment. I like to have a good time and to laugh and joke around. It's important that if you want to enjoy life not to take it too seriously. I often get so caught up in what I'm doing and the goals I've set for myself, that I forget to "stop and smell the roses", to use a familiar phrase. I appreciate the people in my life that remind me to relax and have fun.
  8. Mysteries. I guess more accurately stated is the process of solving mysteries, but that doesn't start with an "m"... Anyway, this is one of my favorite genre of books and movies. But also in life I love the process of discovering unknown things, especially when it comes to friendships. People, in many ways, are a mystery and it is so much fun as you build friendships to uncover those things. And there's always something to be discovered about a person, no matter how long you've known them, there are always things yet to be learned.
  9. Magnanimous. I just think it's a great word, one of my favorites. It's fun to say and it has a good meaning.
  10. And last but not least, Manhattan. At least I'm hopping I'll like it. I'll be moving there in May to go to school and get my master's degree in nursing. I've been a few times now to visit my sister and have enjoyed it very much, now it only remains to be seen if I can handle living there.

So that's it. Hope I haven't bored you all to much with my rambling. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!



Blogger eddyquette said...


Blogger never told me you'd written! And what a gem of a post, too! I say - welcome aboard the blogging train, next stop the world! Cool stuff. Kneecaps, if you're reading this, our ranks have just been strengthened. Becky, this is Kneecaps, Kneecaps, this is Becky. Be nice to each other, okay? ;-)

Pretty good post, my dear - can't wait for the next one...

4:27 PM  

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